About reservation

Could you tell me about check-in and check-out time?

Check-in 15:00 Check-out 11:00
※It may vary depending on the plan you booked.

Can I make a reservation by phone?
Yes, sir. To make a reservation by phone, please contact us.  03-5539-2612(8:00~22:00)
   Contact us on the day of the hotel representative:  0940-62-4111
When will the cancellation fee be charged?

A cancellation fee will be charged from 3 days in advance.
※It may vary depending on the plan you booked.

Could you tell me about the accommodation?

Click here for the terms of accommodation.

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About restaurant and food

Could you tell me about the restaurant's opening hours?
Location: 2F restaurant "Locavore"
Breakfast buffet from 7:00 to 9:30 (Last in 9:00)
Dinner buffet from 17:30 to 21:00 (Last in 20:30)
※Please use it during business hours.
※It is subject to change depending on circumstances.
※The hotel has introduced VACAN, which distributes congestion status and waiting times. In case of congestion, we will inform you of the order by e-mail.
Could you tell me how to deal with food allergies?

Click here for allergy policy.

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About use of large public bath

Could you tell me the opening hours of the large public bath?
Business hours 15:00 to 23:00 (final admission 22:30)
       6:00 ~ 10:00 (final admission 9:30)

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Do you have laundromats?
There is a coin laundromat on the second floor.
 Operating hours: 15:00~23:00 / 6:00~10:00
 Washing machine (4 units) 500 yen/one time
 Dryers (4 units) 200 yen/40 minutes
Do you have pharmaceuticals?

We do not provide pharmaceuticals to our customers.

Do you have an ice machine?

We don't have an ice machine. Please purchase ice at the shop on the first floor.

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